So what IS Scrumban?
Background 3 years ago in Agile Israel 2009 I talked about ScrumBan. The slideshare presentation has been one of most popular ones, and remarkably enough it is the second hit on google when searching...
View ArticleDo we need Scrum to get to Kanban???
I just wrote a lengthy reply on a kanbandev thread about Using Scrum to implement Kanban and vice versa and thought I would share it here, especially so I can tweet it directly and try to spark a...
View ArticleImpressions from Lean Systems and Software Conference 2012 Boston
As I prepare to check out from the Boston Seaport Hotel which was the venue of this year’s LSSC conference (and did a magnificent job hosting us!), here are my highlights/impressions of the conference....
View ArticleDo we need stack ranking in a kanban system?
I want to talk about a kanban system design issue today. Do we need a way to portray full stack ranking of cards throughout a kanban system or is it enough to see stack ranking per lane ? To elaborate...
View ArticleThe Scrum Sprint Commitment/Forecast as an Expectation
Disclaimer – I’m a well-known Scrum Sprint Commitment basher. But in the last few weeks especially while processing the Lean Conference Boston Keynote by Steven Spear I have a fresh perspective I...
View ArticleWhy Agile Testing
Background I recently had a couple of weeks with a few activities related to “Agile Testing”. “Agile Testing” for those not familiar with it is the name we give to the set of thinking guidelines,...
View ArticleExperiencing Kanban System Design
As a Kanban Trainer I often introduce people to the Kanban Method for evolutionary change and the aspects of evolving system design and how they drive improvement. I’ve been looking for ways to make...
View ArticleUsing card types and filters as “Virtual Horizontal Swimming Lanes” on a...
After a serious break from Kanban Mechanics posts, here is one for you Kanban System Designers/Practitioners out there… I’ve recently become a fan of the “Virtual Horizontal Swimming Lanes” style of...
View ArticleMay the WIP Games begin…
Preface Hatsav (Maritime squill) – By Dany Sternfeld on Flickr The day has come for FLOWer to bloom (maybe we should call it “Hatzav” (maritime squeel) after the flower that brings the autumn here in...
View ArticleRecent Reading Lists
I’ve recently gone into Seal/Whale mode and didn’t have too much time to blog. Sorry for that… To make the wait for new content easier, I’m sharing a couple of reading lists that I curated recently...
View ArticleBootstrapping Agile (by yourself) using Kanban – My Agile Israel 2013 talk
Agile Israel 2013 took place yesterday. This year was they year of “Hands on”. Around 600 attendees came to get practical hands on advice on multiple aspects of the agile world. My talk was about...
View ArticleSensing and increasing manager engagement during an agile change initiative –...
Earlier this week I published a guest post about how managers need to change if they want agile to succeed by Yaki Koren. Some blog/twitter followers asked for elaboration and Yaki was gracious enough...
View ArticleLean Kanban North America is coming to San Francisco but when will I have...
Lean Kanban North America a.k.a Modern Management Methods conference for 2014 is coming up. This year it will take place in beautiful San Francisco. I love San Francisco and the conference hotel is...
View ArticleKanban FAQ: Should I FINISH what I’m working on or help the team READY new...
Once people start to get “Stop Starting Start Finishing” thinking (Kanban) or the “Focus on the current sprint” thinking (Scrum) a frequent question that comes up is how to deal with people who are...
View ArticleHow to limit WIP when you cannot block arriving work requests?
A concern that comes up frequently when you start talking about applying a WIP limit is: “So, what I understand from you is that at some point you will block incoming work requests if the WIP limit is...
View ArticleThe synergies of Kanban & DevOps
I believe Kanban and REAL DevOps are a match made in heaven. I really do. I know I’m not the only one. Leading into Agile India 2015 InfoQ interviewed me about this. This was also one of the main...
View ArticleAgile Boost Camp Workshop
I just finished facilitating an “Agile Boost Camp”, a new AgileSparks workshop. In this workshop we run a truly agile-style 2 days where the participants pick and choose topics they want to address. We...
View ArticleFlow-driven Product Development – Upcoming webinar w/ LeanKit
LeanKit asked me to host a webinar for their highly popular webinar series. I naturally accepted. And it was also just natural that the topic would be Kanban/Flow in Product Development as I have the...
View ArticleFlow-driven Product Development webinar w/ LeanKit
What a week. A full exhilarating week in Boston working with a product development group which I’ve been helping the last couple of months. They recently formed into 7 kanban teams and after a...
View ArticleAgile New England Meetup on July 14th in Boston – Lean, Agile, DevOps, Flow,...
Agile New England and the Boston Limited WIP Society invited me to give a talk on my next visit to Boston. The SES group in Siemens PLM (my client… ) graciously agreed to host the talk in their...
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