LeanKit asked me to host a webinar for their highly popular webinar series. I naturally accepted. And it was also just natural that the topic would be Kanban/Flow in Product Development as I have the privilege to be one of the people involved in using kanban in multiple enterprise-scale product development lean/agile initiatives the last couple of years, several of whom are enjoying LeanKit.
In this webinar I will focus at the group/program-level scale and present a kanban/flow scaling pattern which most of these clients have been using.
Note we’re hosting the webinar in two time zones to accommodate a global audience so regardless of where you live (with Australia/New Zealand as the possible exception, sorry guys) you should have a reasonable time to join us. We also plan some time for questions so if you have a question for me on this topic, now’s your chance…
See you there
PS As a side note I’ll actually deliver the webinar from Boston while working with a customer (an Enterprise Kanban Product Development customer – actually a sister unit of one of the case studies I will present).